Singstar | Lakewood Lodge


Take the mic and become Lakewood Lodge’s Superstar Singstar!

Who does not enjoy a good old singalong? Young and old always do and especially when they join our Lakewood Lodge staff with the Singstar competition. The competition requires all singers to sing along with music in order to score points. So, if you grab the microphone you will learn lyrics to your favourite artists.  The words will be on the screen and you can become Lakewood Lodge’s own popstar by combining the songs and the moves. {All songs and moves are age appropriate.} Or you can sing in a group with your teammates.

How it works: On the Singstar we have a great selection of karaoke songs. Afterall it is the song choice that makes it great. Once you start singing in the microphone, the Sing Star will evaluate your vocal skills or the lack of them. The Singstar will keep track of your vocal abilities, like speed or pitch and at the end of the song will give you instant feedback. The public will do the rest as they will vote on your abilities like dancing or moves, your outfit etc.


Are you a Lakewood Lodge Superstar Singstar?